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Mediterranean Couscous Salad

Mediterranean Couscous Salad

One thing I’ve always loved about cooking is its ability to take something you love and create something you’ll love even more. There’s something about the creative spark a cook gets when they’re building and creating in their kitchen.

So when I was developing this recipe in my kitchen, I was thinking ‘ take the Middle Eastern flavors you love and blend it with the western salads you always eat.’ And so came this salad.

This salad is such a perfect exemplification of how you can honor traditional Middle Eastern ingredients like pomegranate molasses, cashews, olives, and couscous and make something that is relatable, delicious and loved by all. I’m thrilled with this recipe because it’s perfect for a family dinner, a side dish or meal prep lunches. The best part of this salad is just how easy it is to prep this and leave it in the fridge in separate containers until you’re ready to throw it together. And on a side note, if you don’t have cashews on hand or prefer not to use them (because let’s be real, they usually cost an arm and a leg) you can substitute for slivered almonds and it turns out just as delicious!

Give this recipe a try! Share your comments and some love. If you make this recipe and share it on social media, tag it with the hashtag #hungrilyhomemaderecipe

Total Time: 1 hour

Yield: 5 servings


for the salad

1. 2 1/2 cups roasted cauliflower & carrots

2. 5 cups of your favorite lettuce/ salad mix

3. 3/4 cup medium sized couscous

4. 1 1/4 cups kalamata olives

5. 1large package mushrooms, sliced

6. 1 tbsp coconut oil

7. 1 1/2 cups toasted cashews

for the dressing

1. 5 tbsp pomegranate molasses

2. 1 cup olive oil

3. 2 tbsp grainy mustard

4. 1 tsp salt


1. Prepare your roasted vegetables using this recipe. It should take about 1 hour to prep and roast your veggies. While the veggies roast you will prepare the rest of you’re ingredients and the dressing.

2. I’m a large sauté pan, add your sliced mushrooms and your coconut oil and sauté until the liquid releases from the mushrooms and they become soft and tender. This will take about 5 minutes. Once completed, set aside to cool.

3. To prepare your couscous, add a tsp olive oil in the bottom of a pot and add your couscous to the pot and sauté. To make fluffy couscous you will need boiled water so in a separate kettle, boil 3/4 cup of boiled water and add to your sautéed couscous. Immediately cover with a lid and drop the temperature to low and allow all of the water to eveaporate. This process will take about 6-7 minutes. Once the water is evaporated use a fork to fluff the couscous, turn the heat off and keep the lid on. The steam will finish cooking the couscous.

4. While the veggies finish roasting and the couscous cooks, prepare your dressing by mixing together all of the dressing ingredients and whisking together well so the oil is well incorporated.

5. After the veggies complete roasting, begin building your salad by using a large salad bowl and placing the salad greens in the center of the bowl, making room around the greens to begin adding your toppings- couscous goes on one side, then add your kalamata olives, followed by your roasted veggies, your mushrooms next and finally add your cashews in the center.

6. Once your ready to serve your salad dress and serve immediately. Enjoy!

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